Send Us a Message

It would be great to hear from you whether you want to book La Mariona or have any further questions. Please use the form below and we’ll try to get back to you within a few hours.

Where are we?

By using the link below you will be able to find directions to the Villa from a destination of your choice, for example, Reus Aiport. You can also pick which transport you’d like to use (for example, walking, by car or by train).


View Location

Please click on the link below “prices, availability and bookings” should you want to check we are available on the dates you request. Also, you will be informed how much your stay will cost. After all this, if you wish to go ahead and book your stay you can go on to do that with ease. Upon card payment we will contact you with all the details you will need for your stay at La Mariona.